When the first case of the SARS-COV-2 (the novel coronavirus) in China was reported, the world was gripped by panic. So many reports about the illness ravaged the media. In less than one week, news of the coronavirus spread like wildfire, to all parts of the globe.
I asked myself: "Why is the news of this virus so important, who are those affected, why are most people afraid, what is the reason behind this media sensation?'' I was puzzled. So much information to process, both genuine and fake, so many conspiracy theories about man and metals, the covid and 5G, the government and the malthusian theory, etc. So i began to dig, deep into research materials and into my old textbooks.
I went back to my old research on viruses. A virus is made up of a core genetic material, either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protective coat called a capsid which is made up of protein. Sometimes the capsid is surrounded by an additional spikey coat called the envelope. Viruses are capable of latching onto host cells and getting inside them.
Viruses are the smallest of all the microbes. They are said to be so small that 500 million rhinoviruses (which cause the common cold) could fit on to the head of a pin. They are unique because they are only alive and able to multiply inside the cells of other living things. The cell they multiply in is called the host cell. Hence, viruses are transient organisms that are neither living nor dead.
The coronavirus is no different. As of May 6, 2020, more than three million individuals have been infected globally. Social distancing, hand washing and proper hygiene have been advised, to minimise the spread of the virus, yet, the stats show that new cases are still being reported daily.
After much digging, I discovered a few things. First, the coronavirus is like any other virus, like rhinoviruses, papilloma viruses, etc. Secondly, it is not as deadly as some other viruses out there. The fatality rates for EVD (ebola virus disease) and lyssaviruses (viruses that cause rabies) are higher. Also, the coronavirus is curable and treatable, unlike the rabies virus that has no cure.
That being said, the coronavirus pandemic will pass, because the human body will always find a way to defend itself, by creating little soldiers called antibodies. These antibodies help people to recover from infections. Researchers are also carrying out experiments for a definitive cure.
So what happens when all this is over? No one really knows if events and businesses will return back to normal. It is therefore vital to plan ahead because chance, favours the prepared. Here are some things to be given some thought before this pandemic is over:
On earning: Never depend on a single income. Create another stream of income.
On spending: Don't buy things you don't need, or you may have to sell things you need.
On savings: Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.
On taking risks: Never test the depth of a river with both feet.
On expectations: Honesty is a very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people.
On investments: Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
On time: Use your time wisely. Do not waste your time on worthless activities or regretting past actions. The past is a waste paper, discard it. The present is a newspaper, make the most of it. The future is a question paper, prepare for it. Come out of your past, control the present, and secure the future. When negative events happen in your life, you can either let it define you, let it destroy you or you can let it strengthen you.
Finally, as you plan ahead, let fear and anxiety be far from your thoughts. Think positively, speak positively and make good use of your time.